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East Herts Green Drinks

This listing was last updated by the East Herts organiser on: 2022-02-23

(logo by Barney Bryant)

Welcome to East Herts Green Drinks

Humanity and all life on our lovely blue-green planet is under severe threat from climate change. The scientific community is virtually unanimous on this, and the tide is now turning at an ever-increasing rate. Actions initiated by Greta Thunberg and the young people of the world, and by Extinction Rebellion (the local group of which began life at one of our gatherings) are examples. The spontaneous action-day in September, by ' Hertford and our Changing Climate' HACC, arose from members of Green Drinks. COP26 in Glasgow in November 2021 mapped out the next few years as crucial; it is for us to realise them.

Many of us are already working hard as members of XR, HACC or the Green Party for a fossil-free future for all our children - not only the human ones. But it is hard, often dispiriting work, and renewing and making new frienships, in a relaxed setting is a great way to chill.  That's where Green Drinks comes in!

Dick Warn, founder of Green Drinks East Herts 

Centring on Hertford, we are an established friendly group meeting monthly over a drink in an old Hertford pub (Covid allowing; see below).  Do join us for networking, news, chat and new friends and be part of a growing global network where local people push for and build a sustainable future. Founded in September 2008, we number around a 100 (though not all attend at once!); do join us.

 We usually meet on the 4th Thursday of each month (2nd Thursday in December):

At: The White Horse Pub, Hertford  33 Castle Street, Hertford SG14 1HH - for a map http://tinyurl.com/5pkb7j 
 or by Zoom if Covid requires this.

We often start downstairs, in the bar on the right, from 8pm and may adjourn upstairs soon after if numbers require.

 Our 2022 meeting dates, all Thursdays, are :

To join us, and receive reminders and an occasional piece of positive news, please sign up here:


or for more info, email eastherts_greendrinks@posteo.net

(to unsubscribe, see link at the bottom of emails)

I look forward to meeting you at our next event!

Barney bryant (Organiser)